SEO for Ecommerce Website: Product Page Optimization

Did you know that American businesses will spend around $80 billion for SEO services by 2020?

The main reason for this is that businesses need all the help they can. After all, everyone wants to rank on major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

It’s a crowded market and you need all the methods possible to stand out.

If you’re an online business that needs more exposure, you need to get SEO for ECommerce Website services. It’s important if you’re a startup business since most of your competitors are doing it too. You can’t afford to make mistakes, otherwise, the competition will bury you.

Are you ready to learn about what ECommerce SEO can do for you? If so, read on and find out more.

1. Learn the Basics of Product Page SEO

You must remember that your eCommerce website’s product page is a webpage too. That means all aspects of SEO you use for your content page should apply to it as well. With that, you need to know basic SEO for ECommerce Website strategies.

Here are some of the things that you should consider when starting ECommerce SEO:

Add a Great Title

Always remember that most people will try searching as specific as they can.  Make sure that this title should focus on your product’s name. When applicable, include the name of the manufacturer.

For products that are components of a larger machine, you need to put the SKU too. That way, no matter how broad or narrow their search is, they’ll have an easy time finding it.

Add Proper Product Descriptions

Make sure that your products’ descriptions are unique. That’s why you need to avoid getting generic descriptions. After all, hundreds of websites might use it already.

If Google detects this, its algorithm will think that you have a low-quality website. That makes your rank lower, preventing more people from seeing your eCommerce website. Remember, Google owns about 92% of the entire search engine market, so you need to heed its guidelines.

Your content might be unique, especially on your blog and category pages. But reusing the manufacturer’s description for all your products means the majority of your website won’t be unique. That makes Google flag your content down as duplicates.

Use Enticing Meta Description

Product pages often have lots of general information. This can vary, from the product dimensions to your business’s terms of service. If you don’t put meta descriptions on your product pages, Google ends up using these unrelated descriptions instead.

In most cases, you’ll need to pay more attention to your product pages than your content pages. To start, you could always make a templated description. But if you want to get the most out of your SEO strategy, make unique descriptions.

Use High-Quality Images

When adding these images, ensure that they’re well-optimized using proper ALT text. Put the name of the product in its main image. This helps you get a better ranking when users search for images.

Also, make sure to put some product videos when it’s applicable. Most customers are likely to buy from your store if you include instructional videos. These should describe the product and give a short tutorial on how they’re used.

2. Add Structured Data for Your Products

Structured data is an important part of any modern SEO strategy. It plays an important part in optimizing product images. You have to use specific “Product” Schema that aids in getting you highlighted search results, also known as rich results.

Aside from this, you need to use the “Review” structured data to mark up your customers’ reviews. Doing all of these will help your product page stand out more. With that, your chances of getting potential customers will increase.

It’s important for your product page SEO since the major search engines made this markup. That means the abovementioned search engines agreed upon this markup. That way, they can identify product pages and their elements more easily.

The reason for this agreement is to make the page indexing much better while showing rich snippets. But as an eCommerce website, you should add this to help manage customer expectations. That helps customers see your prices upfront while checking how well your product performs via customer reviews.

3. Add Real Reviews

Recent studies show that more than 80% of American consumers consult reviews before they buy anything online. Yes, people will even turn to social media reviews, which is why you can’t ignore platforms like Facebook. Don’t worry, we have a guide here to show you how to make effective social media posts.

Even when some people don’t trust online reviews, most of these are helpful and can impact buying decisions. If you’re a local business, your online reviews are more necessary for your continued survival.

Take note, most online reviews tend to be extremely positive. But sometimes, negative reviews will help consumers know what’s going on with your business. That’s why you need to show your customers’ reviews on their respective product pages.

When you get negative reviews, make sure to get in touch with the writer. Ask them what went wrong and try to defuse the situation. Negotiating with them might help in turning their negative review into a more positive one.

The best part is that these reviews will let you get fresh insights for your service. Also, getting great customer reviews is a sign that you’re dedicated to your business. Make sure to mark up your reviews with “Review” and “Rating” schema to make search engines pick them up and show them as rich results.

4. Improve Your Product Pages’ Loading Speeds

In this fast-paced environment, people aren’t likely to wait that long. Each second counts in today’s mobile-centric world. After all, you’ll spend a lot of time and effort getting your customers to click on your product page.

With this, people certainly expect to open a fast page, regardless of their internet connection. Recent studies say that most people tend to turn away from web pages that load more than three seconds. So, if you want to stay competitive, you need to do some of these tips:

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

CDNs give web content to users depending on their location. For that to be possible, it has a set of web servers located across different geographical locations across the world. When you host your eCommerce website on a single server, that hardware will receive all user requests.

If you don’t have a CDN, the time necessary to process each request will increase. That also means people located far from your service will experience increased load times. With a CDN, all user requests get redirected to the nearest server available.

The result is that your content gets faster delivery, making the website work faster. It can be expensive, but it’s the quickest way to make your product pages faster and more optimized.

Optimize Product Images

ECommerce websites need images to captivate potential customers. That’s why product pages tend to have lots of images and graphics to improve engagement rates. But the drawback of this is that it often makes your website slower.

The best solution is to reduce the size of the image. To do this without compromising its quality, you need to use tools that compress images. Take note, this procedure can take some time to complete, but the result is worth it.

Decrease the Number of JavaScript and CSS Files

If your website has lots of these files, it will increase the number of HTTP requests needed by visitors when looking at your site. Their browser will treat these requests individually, making the product pages load slower. That’s why decreasing these files will speed up your website without question.

A good practice is to group all your JavaScript and CSS files into one. This will decrease the number of necessary HTTP requests for your site. If you don’t have the time to do this task manually, try looking up some tools to minify your files.

5. Build Customer Trust

For strangers to buy something from your eCommerce site involves a lot of trust. That’s why you need to show your customers that you’re legitimate. If you make your customers at-ease, they won’t have reservations before handing you their hard-earned money.

Know that Google emphasizes the element of trust. That’s why their algorithm assesses your trust rating and knowledge by looking at factors like online reviews and more. That’s why one of the things you should have for your website is an About Us and Customer Services section.

Make sure that people can find your contact information without problems. That way, they’ll also know your policies regarding returns, shipping, payment, privacy, and more. If you have a Shopify eCommerce website, you should also read this marketing essentials list to increase customer trust.

Follow This SEO for Ecommerce Website Tips!

If you’re looking for SEO for ECommerce Website strategies, this list is a great starting point for your product pages. Don’t hesitate and use the above strategies list of SEO for ECommerce Website to improve your rankings in Google and other major search engines.

Do you need a stunning landing page? If so, read this guide here and learn the best landing page creation tools around.